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Nice to meet you,

I'm Erin

With a love of photography that began as a child and has grown into a passion, I strive to produce images that speak to your soul and fill your heart with joy. Whether you are the subject or I am creating fine art, my work reflects my love for this art. I am looking forward to meeting you and capturing the nature of you.

Hey, I'm Erin

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a bit more about


- Mom, Photographer, Map Maker, Coffee Connoisseur, and Dog Lover! -



Hey there!

I’m your photographer, Erin! Nice to meet you! Let me introduce myself…

First and foremost, I am a mom to 3 AMAZING small humans. We live in northern Minnesota and enjoy all it has to offer.

Although not my main career, photography is my passion. Building my photography business is one of my many dreams – so here I am doing it! Thanks for being a part of this dream and making it a reality for me!

When I’m not behind the camera, my main career is as a map maker. Technically, I am a geographic information systems (GIS) professional, but map making is the basis of where my education and the GIS profession stems from…plus it’s easier to say!

While pursuing my B.S. in Geography, I spent several years working in coffee houses. This lead to a full on love and addition to coffee – black and bold is best in my book!

My dog is my other love. A 95lb rottie-retriever, Koda loves being my subject when my shutter finger gets the itch to get some shots, going on walks to new locations I find as I create maps, and ‘helping’ dig in my gardens.

My life and heart are full but I wouldn’t want the chaos any other way!

Get to know me

My go-to coffee order:

Drip Brew - Black!

My secret super power is:

Map making!

My favorite thing to photograph is:

My kids!

Some of my favorite shots...

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- Capturing the Nature of Life -

Let's work together

the perfect match

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